2025 CSA Sign-up

If you haven’t already done so, please click below to read all about our CSA before signing up.

We are excited to announce we are opening registration for Flatwater Farms 2025 CSA program which will run May 3, 2025 through December 13, 2025. Please join us for our fifth season on the farm!

As always, all of the fruits and vegetables in our CSA are USDA certified organic and are grown on Flatwater Farms in Buchanan, Michigan, also home to River St. Joe brewery and restaurant. 

We have some exciting new changes this year to go with our standard operations that our customers have come to know and love. We will be offering extended market hours, 2 different pricing options for shares ($250 and $400), online ordering for mid-week pick up, an easier self service option from our Plants and Pints store, as well as some fun bonuses to show our appreciation!

We love when our friends and family spread the word about Community Supported Agriculture, so this year if you sign up a friend at the higher tier level you can enjoy a small kickback. We are also going to offer for the first time ever, a unique farm dining experience out in the field that will only be accessible to our CSA members.

To Join, fill out the Form Below and then submit your payment, either online or with a check. You’ll be directed to the payment page after you submit your form or you can click here.